TREO 650’s and Pocket size

I was talking about the cost and size of TREO 650’s, and made the statement that these devices don’t fit in pocket’s well. TREO 650 dimensions: 4.4 x 2.3 x 0.9 inches (11.3 x 5.9 x 2.3 cm), and 6.3 oz. (178 grams).

I then went further to say that Pocket size is in direct relation to your height. I think this is a transitive property. For example, the pockets on a little person’s pants should be smaller than a person of 5’8″ in height. The 5’8″ individual’s pockets should be smaller than a 7’5″ person’s pockets.

Long story short, I was mocked for saying the stupidest thing ever. Is there anyone out there who thinks this might be true?

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4 Responses to TREO 650’s and Pocket size

  1. Matt says:

    It fits fine in my pocket, yes, you said the stupidest thing ever.

  2. Kevin says:

    Am I the only one without a Treo now? Jay, to test your theory, I will borrow (don’t worry, probably not permanently) your Treo for a little while to see how it fits in my pocket. Or you can buy me one.

  3. jay says:

    When I buy one, you can borrow it. I suggest you look to take, I mean borrow Sri’s.

  4. Brian says:

    5’8″ is short. Pocket sizes are not standard through out the industry. How about you write about java in your blog tough guy. Maybe then you’ll get your blog on

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